A community-curated list of what to read, watch, listen to, fill-in-the-blank.
- “Learning to Swim Taught Me More Than I Bargained for” – Jazmine Hughes (New York Times Magazine)
“I felt gawky and unsure and annoyed and insecure and thrilled and elated and confused and strong and brilliant and wondrous all at once. I was performing miracles every day.”
This is a beautiful personal account of the clarity Hughes found in learning to both swim and date women at 28. I’d bet most of us can relate to this line: “There’s a difference, I learned, between knowing something about yourself and accepting it.”
Portrait of a Lady on Fire – Céline Sciamma (French film, 2019)
We saw it twice in theaters. Come for what Sciamma calls the “choreography of chemistry,” stay for the sea cliff makeout. Watch her earlier films, too.
RAFIKI – Wanuri Kahiu (Kenyan film, 2018)
Originally banned in Kenya, this film won a landmark supreme court case fighting anti-LGBT legislation in the country. Also…the eye contact. You’ll see.
ANNE+ – Maud Wiemeijer, Valerie Bisscheroux, Hanna van Vliet (Dutch web series, 2019)
Thrilled to have discovered this new series in queerantine. Find the title song in our playlist.
A Secret Love – Chris Bolan (American film, 2020)
Pat and Terry, the lesbian couple profiled in this poignant documentary, came out to their families after close to 70 years.
Here’s the playlist we made for your queerantine.
Back in 2016, Meg interviewed BIFE and Chocolate Remix in Buenos Aires for a documentary about Argentina’s Ni Una Menos movement for gender equality. More on them:
In “LIBRE DE MI,” BIFE questions what we really mean by “love” and leaves us feeling free. The duo’s lyrics speak for themselves: “Y no tengo miedo de perderte / Porque la verdad es que no te tengo” (“I’m not afraid of losing you / Because the truth is that I don’t have you.”)
Romina Bernardo, the artist behind Chocolate Remix, loved reggaeton but had a problem with misogynistic lyrics and videos. So she created her own genre: Lesbian Reggaeton. Choice line: “Yo quiero una mujer desinhibida / Sin miedo a morder de la manzana prohibida” (“I want an uninhibited woman / Unafraid to bite the forbidden fruit”)
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